Sherman Mk V tanks
British 79th Armoured Division
Star Decals | No. 35-C1388 | 1:35
Online shops
USD 8.99
In stock »USD 14.83
In stock »AUD 15.50
USD 10.08In stock »€ 9.10
USD 9.88In stock »zł 48.44
USD 12.50In stock »€ 11.01
USD 11.95Available ȴ 2070
USD 15.74Out of stock »Alternative SKUs for Star Decals 35-C1388:
SD35-C1388 | STAR-35-C1388 | STAR35-C1388 | STAR35C1388 | SRD35C1388
Note: Prices and availability are indications only. Also check if the product actually matches!